How My Passion Became My Roadmap To Success On My Entrepreneurial Journey

If you’re like many of my clients,  you're no stranger to the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship. 

And if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you’ll find yourself appreciating the parallels of business with the core foundational principles of one of my passions, Pilates.

Building and running a business is a journey that demands strength, flexibility, and the ability to find balance amidst the chaos. 

Lessons from the Green: How Golf's Challenges Align with the Entrepreneurial Journey ⛳

About 3 years ago, I took up golf. My love for nature, physical activity and socializing pulled me out to the golf course and it’s been a part of my life since. 🏞️

I love it, yet it challenges me on more levels than I ever imagined. 😅 It reminds me of being an entrepreneur and building a business. 💼

When I look at my business it reminds me of a golf course. It’s got unexpected challenges and unpredictable, ever-changing terrain. 📈⛰️

Easy Steps To Create More Income And Free Up Time

f this is you, don’t feel bad.  I totally get it.  When I first started my own business I found myself doing everything my clients were requesting and usually not charging enough for the services I was offering.  

I wanted so badly to keep those clients, get more clients and have rave reviews from my clients.

I found myself tired, stressed, overworked, burned out and not making the money I wanted or should have been making.

My Morning Routine Inside...

Then I realized, there’s no set routine that’s going to set you up for success.

You don’t need to get up at 5 a.m. every morning, you don’t need to exercise immediately upon waking up or do any of the other things that people recommend first thing in the morning.

What I’ve realized is there is no one-size-fits-all morning routine.

5 Skills You Need To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

Are you experiencing a slow down or stop in your income?

Even if you’ve succeeded in creating and growing your business, there are times when growth stops or slows down.

I don’t need to tell you that when you reach a glass ceiling and you just can’t figure out how to break through it, this can be frustrating, agitating and can affect your entire life including your relationships, health and freedom of time and money.

Are Your Experiencing Effortless Sales In Your Business

What you believe about money, sales and business will impact your success more than the actions you take. If you don’t have a belief system and a subconscious identity that supports your success, you’ll struggle, have major setbacks, work way harder than you have to and when you don’t have the success you want, you’ll feel agitated, frustrated, and wonder why what you’re doing isn’t working.

Are you giving as much as you want?

Many years ago when I was working in corporate, I found out a friend of mine had been killed. It was shocking news, especially the way she died. Unfortunately, she was a single mom raising a child and her family did not have the means to pay for a proper funeral for her.

​I remember that day like it was yesterday

Are You Working This Weekend?

Recently I restructured my calendar to create more focus, more clarity around my work and make sure I have enough time allocated to the projects and tasks I want done each week in my business and continue to serve my clients at the highest level.

And, stop working on weekends!

Who Are You Being When You Take Time Off?

Many entrepreneurs say it’s difficult to detach from work when they’re supposed to be relaxing, but that’s definitely not the case for me.

Are you surprised?

When I’m in Vacation Mode, I have no trouble leaving work behind and enjoying my time off.

It’s true!

But, it wasn’t always true.

Are You A Champion For Yourself?

Growing a business and creating the life you want isn’t as easy as some of the manifesting experts make it sound. You go through ebbs and flows, and being a successful entrepreneur requires extensive personal growth.

But, if you practice being a champion for yourself, you’ll attract the solutions and resources you need to reach your goals and achieve the business and income growth you want.

Why Aren't You Getting Everything You Want?

The limits of your income are set by our own internal beliefs.

This is not only your income, but all your desires. If you’re not manifesting what you want in life, there’s a part of you that doesn’t believe you are deserving, capable or worthy of having it.

These beliefs were taught to us as young children, and are instilled in your subconscious mind. That’s why they are hard to identify on your own.

If you want more, you have to start seeing yourself as worthy, deserving and capable.


Are You Doing So Much You're Ineffective?

As women, we learn to take care of everything and everyone.

Family comes first, friends, organizations and everyone and everything that is requesting our time gets the Yes.

This even transfers into your business.

Unfortunately, you may have realized this creates a situation where you’re doing so much you’re not as effective as you could be and the things that are most important to you are not getting done.

Are You Charging What You're Worth?

As women entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to be conditioned not to own our worth, which translates into not charging what we're worth.

Are you are experiencing one or more of the following:

💰Undercharging for your expertise

💰When you think about money, it feels overwhelming or that you have to work harder

Do you feel accomplished on Fridays, or like you're not enough.

Yay it’s Friday!

​As you’re wrapping up the work week make a list of all the things you’ve got done this week.

​It’s so easy to end the week and make a list of all the things you didn’t get done because you’re making a to do list for next week.

​This can leave you feeling like you didn't get enough done, there's just so much to do or even like you're not enough.

Do You Have Money Blindspots?

In this training we talked about money blindspots.

These are the money blocks you have that you’re not aware of yet.

They are hidden in the background, playing behind the scenes in your subconscious mind and dictating every decision you make in your business.

And, they’re stopping you from the business growth you desire.