This may be why you're not yet getting what you want

This may be why you're not yet getting what you want

Several years ago, I realized I spent so much time and energy doing and giving for my family that I had completely lost myself.

I didn’t even know what brought me pleasure.

Things that brought me pleasure in the past no longer did. I felt a little lost and I didn’t know what to do.

So over the last several years I’ve taken up a few new hobbies. Pilates, Reiki, manifesting, golf, photography, and music.

Two of them I’ve turned into businesses.

Pilates was my first business, I became a Pilates instructor, built a full clientele and eventually opened a studio. It was my first experience being an entrepreneur and was very successful in spite of a terrible economy at the time.

That's also when I learned about manifesting.

I became passionate about manifesting. (I am 100% sure the things I learned about manifesting significantly contributed to my successful Pilates business.)

I've turned my passion for manifesting into my 2nd successful business, and I love helping women entrepreneurs create the lives and businesses they truly want.

My other new hobbies photography, golf and music are just for fun.

What I've learned and why I'm telling all this is because it's so important to find the things that bring you pleasure and do them.

It's so easy to get caught up in your business, doing for your family and others, and working yourself to exhaustion. All these can lead to depression, anxiety and physical illness.

I try to take a few minutes each day to do one of these things that brings me pleasure and it's been life changing.

What do you do for pleasure? I'd love to know.

What are your results telling you?

What are your results telling you?

The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do Now To Create More Of What You Want

The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do Now To Create More Of What You Want